Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I love Godzilla toys far more than I love money.

He's a little dusty, but I figured that since I have to many of the damn things (I can't stay mad at them) I'll post a little picture of the figures I've collected over the years to go along with the movie I review. This one is Godzilla 1954 by Bandai. It's a pretty good sculpt (as most Bandai figures are) even though he's much smoother and more skinny from head on than the movie version.
I've always loved the airbrushed look of the Bandai figures, even though it's typically large blocks of color, it gives them a very stylized look. I think most of the Godzilla toys have that silver highlight on the chest to mirror the scene in the first film where the electricity towers are reflecting off of his skin.
That or I'm making shit up.

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